Adam Lund

  • Software Engineer | Product Designer
  • Minneapolis, MN

From concept to market I walk with your teams every step of the way.


UX Designfront-end developmentproduct ideationJavaScriptUX researchinformation architecturewireframingprototypingproduct managementweb accessibilitysoftware lifecycleresponsive design: web applicationsresponsive design: emailmobile experiencesCSS3


GovDelivery, IBM, Intel, US Bank, Space 150, Discovery Network, Home Buyers Marketing, Quicken Loans, St. Jude Medical, Emerson Proces Management, UK Government and Parliment, US State and City Governments, Numerous US Federal Agencies, USDA, US Speaker of the House, US White House, US Centers for Disease Control


at University of California Santa Cruz

2002 – 2003 Santa Cruz, CA

Continuing education in computer science

at University of Minnesota

1995 – 2001 Minneapolis, MN

Bachelor of Science in Technical Communication and Human Computer Interaction. Graduated Magna Cum Laude.

at Minneapolis College of Art and Design

1994 – 1994 Minneapolis, MN

Fine arts coursework


Patent US9201414, US Patent Office

Patent US8766794, US Patent Office

Good Housekeeping Award, Good Housekeeping Magazine

For work on

Apple Design Project, Apple Computer, Inc.